Thursday, March 22, 2012

KC Classic - First Ride of 2012

So last year we did the "leave you for dead" ride, it was a big hit and everyone had a great time. This year we're thinking... why do just one century? So with that in mind we have the first ride of the season. Roughly 100 miles of flatish riding. To Lawrence and Back. Leaving from Parisi Cafe at Union Station, 9am leave time. 19mph+ avg. This ride is self supported. We'll be going pretty good the whole time and will only be making 1 stop in Lawrence. If you need to change a flat, or pee, or fix a bolt, please do not ask for the entire group to wait for you. If you have a friend riding with you and you both stop, that is great, but please don't expect people to stop for you, this is a training ride. Hopefully we'll be keeping a moderate-high race speed the whole ride.

Route goes out and back the same way.

Weather says high of 78 degrees with wind sse at 5mph. Perfect.

Please have everything you need to ride 100 miles. If you show up, make sure your bike is in tip top shape, good air, good tires, helmet, then your own gear and food.

We'll be doing 5 or 6 of these Classic Rides this year with different destinations. The point of these rides is to fill in gaps in the racing calendar where there are no races within a reasonable driving distance. The ride is not a race. There isn't a winner. If you want a great replication of riding at race speed in a group, then this is it. You won't get yelled at if you sit in and motopace behind us the whole ride, and we won't be mad at you if you drive the front the whole ride either.

Facebook event link

Possible dates for the upcoming classic rides.